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Tuesday 9 June 2009

Moving forward- Making our mark!

Miss B's thoughts
originally posted 09/06/09
edited 10/06/09....

Dear all

I have taken some time to write my thoughts, ideas for moving forward for the plight of Tamils. I have met many people over this year. We all have ideas but we need to implement them. No longer sitting back and watch the older generation work it out. Please pass this onto those relevant.


So Sri lanka thinks they have won... yes they defeated the LTTE, but the problem has not been resolved. The problem of discrimination and 2nd class citizenship of tamils still exists! Ethnic cleansing is now in full effect, the next phase in extreme, by rajapakse's military control over the north. As you know another 100k soldiers will be placed up north. Only to colonise our areas with there camps and possible Buddhist temples.

There have been many leaders before VP. TULF did their thing then passed the baton onto LTTE, and now it lies in the hands of the diaspora. Are you going to drop it, or reach the finish line? Build up our nation and then pass it onto the 2nd/3rd /4thgeneration.

To the Pro LTTE SUPPORTERS :Many Tamils have lost motivation and feel a sense of defeat as they believe VP is dead. The focus should not be on wondering if VP is dead or alive. They have done their best, you can agree or disagree with their methods. But they built a defacto state, where tamil kingdom was running with great courts, economy;people were making money.A defacto state which had no corruption. So now politically we have to achieve our freedom. Do not let thoughts of violence enter you mind as hard as it is to deal with the massacre sri lanka have orchestrated. I believe in karma and universal law. Those who did wrong will be punished. The focus is the humanitarian crisis, ethnic cleansing, state terror on tamils

VP dedicated 40 years of his life to the struggle . Those who supported him will get a chance to celebrate his life soon.

But leaders die and new leaders are born. This does not mean leaders of a new militant group. We the diaspora have succeeded all over the world, we are intelligent, resourceful, multilingual, mathematical, scientific, intellectuals, hustlers, entrepreneurs, individuals. NO ONE HAS SWAGGER LIKE US. As vadivelu would say "WE ARE TOP DA" !!!

We have the advantage that the sri lankan citizens do not have. Lets unite nationally then globally to build a great campaign politically to highlight the plight and finally get a resolution.

Rajapakse the hardliner in power , and corruption at its peak is ruling sri lanka. Tamil citizens in the south had to pay 300 rupees to be part of the party to celebrate the vicotry, and forced to hold the flag. Moderate tamils are being targetted by thugs all part of the plan to get rid of tamils and make them live like 2nd class citizens.

Political is the next step, we have to build up our campaign against sri lanka.


Those who understand politics, we know its a dirty game, do not be put off by this. Know that the world leaders all work towards their own political gain. But its up to us who vote these people into power. As a collective we can overrun these people.

Divide and conquer is a classic way of dividing up a group, culture ethnicity; by turning its own people onto each other.
The sri lankan government has orchestrated this many times, hence the people call those Tamils.... traitors.

We now have to forget our internal differences, I do not care if you are pro LTTE, ANTI LTTE, EROS, EPRLF, EPDP,TELO,PLOTE or NWA OR EVEN RSPCA OR TLC. call yourself what you will. But you are an eelam tamil, an oppressed eelam tamil!!!

Forget your differences with tamils, who went out with who, who nearly got arranged married to who, what town or village you are from. I never fitted in with tamil people. I do not need to, I fit in with my family!! I never got along with many tamils as I had more of an open minded individual mindset . In some cases I still do not fit in with the collective . But I have a responsibility for my homeland , the very reason my father and mother advised me that i have something to stand for in this country. My identity is Tamil.

THE FOCUS : WHAT WE CANNOT FORGET IS GENOCIDE, SYSTEMATIC GENOCIDE, STATE TERROR. TAMILS FOCUS ON BEING ANTI GOVERNMENT AND STATE TERROR. . We cannot afford to form many tamil groups or work against each other. As there are many sinhalese poltical groups but one ANTI TAMIL GROUP. United we stand divided we fall. The government will try to split the diaspora. But it cannot we are united more than ever. I am not encouraging anti sinhala mentality. Far from it. I have grown up with sinhalese families. My famiy dating way back before independence have socialised with sinhala family and friends. I am talking as a race we have been affected by systematic genocide by the state. So lets empower ourselves as a race and also build dialogue with sinhalese brethrens. I cannot fight with a sinhalese in the south who has been brainwashed by the state; for they do not know. There have been deaths on both sides, but more on the tamil side. Lets reduce this.

LIKE ALL RACES WE HAVE OUR FAULTS. OUR EGO!!!! We are individuals who all think we know better and know more than each other.

LTTE :some people say it did so well because it was a dictatorship. VP made all the decisions as he did try and let other groups make decisions , but all ended up arguing or nothing being implemented.Or some just slept with the government. Therefore he remained the dictator and stuck to the cause and the focus.Some may agree with his methods , some disagree. Overall he brought the tamil problem to the negotiation table. So now we have to learn from all mistakes and strategically analyse what has worked and what has failed. One major thing we have to work on is our pr, marketing.... our image from head to toe internally and externally. Communication has to to improve. Listening to each other has to be worked on

No longer do I hear about tamil gang fights, this has stopped as now these boys/girls are more focused on the very reason why their families left sri lanka ... for a better life in the western world. The western world, which has given us plentiful of choices and opportunities. Which people may have taken for granted. Utilise this to give back.

We have to hire a pr company for the plight of tamils. BOYCOTTING SRI LANKA SHOULD BE AN IMPACTING CAMPAIGN- GLOBAL ATTACK.

EELAM: Eelam to me our original homeland. Eelam has never been about a land just for tamils and sri lanka just for sinhalese. Eelam can be envisioned as Tamils having more power and govern their own. Self determination for Tamils. Investment in agriculture in the North and East. We do not want the south. Sinhalese can live up north but it will be governed by Tamils. MAINLY WE WANT THE ARMY OUT OF OUR HOMELAND. LET OUR PEOPLE LIVE IN FREEDOM. LETS LIVE SIDE BY SIDE, THERE WILL BE PEACE. If the state intends to oppress us with military control up in the North, how does one ever reconcile any tensions between the ethnicities.


There are plentiful of tamil schools, we have to respect tamil culture which is getting wiped away in sri lanka. We have to maintain this in our politics. So learning to speak tamil , respecting the culture is a priority. Implementing western ideology to ancient culture never works, and brings the evilness of the west to the purity of our dying culture in sri lanka.

But tamil schools now have to implement subjects of politics in them to encourage the youth. Parents cannot force or expect their children to be doctors, engineers,accountants. Allow them to dream big. Then you allow your kids to dream big. But education does come first!!!

I myself listen to the news all the time. As every news from politician expenses to nuclear weapons in north Korea effects us all. This will help educate and broaden knowledge of how the world is working. There is nothing wrong with learning. Builds the mind. The number of Tamil intellectuals will rise.

We need to empower ourselves and build future leaders. I want to see Eelam tamils in football ...UK, EUROPEAN & INTERNATIONAL football... the next tamil David Beckham, Rooney or Pele.

  • Next TV/ film directors.

  • Next tamil actor in Hollywood, musicians mainstream.

  • Next tamil politician Tamil priminister.

  • .... Tamil Comedian( I may go for that ;))

Leaders can be bred, encouraged praised from our generation to get justice for our people.

We all need to contribute monthly payment like tax to the cause. So we can employ people to work full time for us the eelam tamils.

Please guys lets unite and work together to go forward. This a critical situation in sri lanka. But the best opportunity to bring something positive. Sri Lanka already looks like the shit it is in the international community. We can engineer to build a better sri lanka with equal rights to all ethnicities in sri lanka.

RISE UP PEOPLE. Its no longer about raising money for charity.Continue the charity fundraising, but get political to make the world a better place. Right now we have some evil charcters in power. Only we as people can make change

I want to see international conferences , where eelam tamils displaced all over the world congregate to celebrate each others achievements. Whether they are in america, canada, australia, south africa, Singapore, India, Middle East. Lets unite under one UMBRELLA ELLA ELLA EH EH EH like



I look forward to hearing your responses.



courtesy :
Miss b Dass

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