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Saturday 6 June 2009

An Appeal to the Thamil diaspora

by Fr. Jegath Gaspar Raj

To the Tamil Diaspora,

It’s an extremely urgent appeal. After prosecuting a murderously brutal and inhuman war the Govt. of Lanka is currently wiping all evidences that would lead to genocide and war crimes trial. The next thing it will do is to confuse, divide and neutralize the ‘emotionally converged’ Tamil diaspora. If the emotionally converged diaspora is quickly stabilized and efficiently coordinated as a political community then advancement of the Tamil cause will see meaningful rapid progress.

In the immediate next phase the Government of SriLanka will unleash a hidden war, more treacherous than the one it let loose in Mullaitivu, to break the unity and political consolidation of the diaspora.

I am sure the diaspora has the moral capacities to withstand a dirty political war by the SriLankan Government. But what can shatter the hopes of a dignified political solution will be the unraveling of LTTE. Let’s concede that the massive military debacle would certainly have created serious gaps in LTTE’s command structure. I get a disturbing feeling that there is already an unseen power struggle among certain sections of the LTTE for the control of the organization and its vast resources. We can expect that intelligence agencies of various countries will welcome this development and do everything to hasten these divisions.

The enlightened ones among the expatriate community should come together with a tremendous sense of responsibility first to ensure that the organization does not unravel due to internal divisions, secondly to work vigorously to lift the ban imposed on it by several countries and then go on to build democratic people’s power of the diaspora around it. Such a development would keep moral and political pressure on Western countries to press for a meaningful political solution to our people. Further it will also ignite a broader Tamil renaissance. May the memory of the sacrifices our people endured guide us in this mission.

Kindly pass this message to the Tamils whom you consider as mature, responsible and reasonably selfless.

It is now when we walk in the valley of darkness, through the agonies, anxieties and uncertainties, we have re-discovered the bonds that unite us intensely as Tamils. We shall persevere. We shall prevail.

Thank you.

Yours cordially,

Fr. Jegath Gaspar Raj.

TamilCanadian - May 28, 2009

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