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Monday 25 May 2009

Comments & Views @ FB

last update 29/05/09....

Post #1
Eelam G wrote23 hours ago
I can see a healthy debate has started. Your views are highly valued. Some believe YES! we need a gov-in-exile & some beleive NO! we don't need it. This thread will help you put forward your views. please stick to the topic. THANKS.

here r some comments already posted in the wall

Sacktheish Sachein Thileepan (London) wrote
at 10:59pm yesterday
well this method suck very bad. e.g. if we divert into exile gov now...we will lose the rest of our land...the singalese will colonise our area faster than ever

Nathan wrote
at 10:20am yesterday
we have to do careful study on this? this is not a new concept. so many other nations and communities have done it in the past and some still have this kinda gov. first we should open the debate now. we should create a constitution which should accomodate the core principles(self-determination, nationhood, homeland etc) with the help of experts. then we have to form parties. we will have election in every 3/4 years. along with this government we sould also form a youth parliament which would be a platform to identify the talented youths. first we should take this idea to people and convince them how it could bring goods to us.
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Post #2
1 reply
Sacktheish wrote22 hours ago
what about a federal state...

Post #3
You replied to Sacktheish's post21 hours ago
federal state is acceptable but Sinhala mindset is not ready to even think abt giving a village to Tamils where we can call it our homeland(federal state) & lookafter our own affairs within united Sri Lanka.

Post #4
You wrote21 hours ago
Yes! We need a gov-in-exile which is elected by Tamil diaspora to defeat Sinhala propaganda which is successful in winning over the International community by using buzz words like democratic traditions, multi-party systems, pluralism and so on. To defeat that we should demonstrate by forming a body which would satisfy international norms & practices. It can not be formed in Eelam now.

GoSL plans is to create more 'Karuna' like leaders in all parts of Eelam(sadly there are many in our society) they r gonna divide us & rule. while we fight among us, they r gonna colonise our lands. Exile-gov is NOT a real gov but a shadow gov which will have democratic values. While it helps us to find talented people among ourselves, this would be more acceptable to IC than creating so many organisations which were failed to win over the IC.

I can understand some people view that it might go against our ultimate goal. To avoid that core principles such as Self-determination, Nationhood & homeland should be drawn in the constitution with the help of experts. No party can go against the core principles as it would be drawn in the constitution of the gov-in-exile to be formed.

This democratically elected gov-in-exile would be more acceptable to IC than creating so many organisations which were not accepted by vast majority of IC & UN as the voice of our people even though they succeeded in rallying 100s of thousands people behind them. I believe it will help the Tamil diasporas to unite under one body, win over friends among IC & move towards our ultimate goal. We have to act fast.

Post #5
1 reply
Sacktheish wrote21 hours ago
we should of done government in exile 30 years ago. tibet has been in exile for more than 50 years.

Post #6
Sacktheish wrote21 hours ago
first i agreed to this 'gov-in-exile' but now it is not a good idea, because i have read about very carefully.

Post #7
2 replies
You replied to Sacktheish's post21 hours ago
true! indeed. but 30 years we didn't have a powerful diaspora. if we don't do it now, we will cry the same after 30yrs or even 300 years. I believe we should form it now. alongside gov-in-exile, a youth parliament should be formed to identify talented youths & create a democratic culture which would make easier for us to politically integrate with International Community so that lobbying will be much more effective than now.

Post #8
Tamil Youth wrote20 hours ago

While we concentrate our focus on IDPs to be able to get back to their homes, we should also focus on achieving our political aspirations. From the experience of last 60years of struggle, we should mature & take forward our struggle to next stage until our land & people are freed. World has changed after 9/11. We should look into ways & methods which are workable and accepted by todays world. Otherwise we will be doomed forever.

Our anger should be transformed into an energy of the wise to defeat Sinhala state terror. We should now take forward a political, diplomatic & economic offensives against the Sri Lanka. World is waking upto the reality in SL. Let's work with the UN and international communities to achieve Eelam wether it's a federal state or an independent state...let that to the people in Eelam to decide. Diaspora should concentrate on lobbying & getting international support to our cause.


Post #9
Gowry K wrote18 hours ago
Yes We have to other wise we will loose everything.

Post #10
Sacktheish Sachein Thileepan (London) replied to your post17 hours ago
just found something, self interim governing shit. basically to other governments this proposal is weak. its less demanding then asking for a separate country. then we have our government we can declare our selves independent. plus we can have our own army. USA **WILL** accept this.

Post #11
Sacktheish replied to your post16 hours ago
we should aim for

'Interim Self Governing Authority'


'Provisional Institutions of Self-Government'


'Ask USA to do a referendum'

Post #12
1 reply
Janani wrote16 hours ago
It's an interesting concept- my initial feeling would be that we should form one and quickly. It appears to strengthen the idea of a separate homeland- thus the separate government- rather than weaken it. Obviously though, we'd need to research it carefully, get the experts to help us and gauge the feelings and mood of the Tamil Diaspora on the matter- which is why I think this group requires far more members than we currently possess.

Post #13
Sacktheish wrote15 hours ago
where exactly are we going to find so called experts? even if we do there is a thing called money...

this all about planning and agreeing and then demanding.

we still need ltte, stronger then ever before. if our demands are not met, then all the countries are giving the green light for us to take up armed struggle.

Post #14
Eelam Govreplied to Janani's post14 hours ago
yes! i agree with you, Janani.

They are lot of Tamils around the world who are experts in international law and constitution formation. If not, we can hire people.

We need to win friends over the international community. Without the support of IC we will go nowhere. Democratic body among diaspora which is acceptable by IC would strengthen our struggle. In last 60 years, first 30years we tried political and non-violence way it didn't work... next 30yrs armed struggle achieved a little but v r still struggling. So from the experience we need to take both form of struggles in parallel. We shouldn't mix both and shouldn't let go one against other too. If we have no nations in the world to recognise & support country, who will recognise us if & when we get freedom?!


Post #15
1 reply
Sacktheish wrote14 hours ago
No action will be taken at the UN.

But we should be looking to isolate the moda land from the West.

Given more than 2/3rd of its exports are to the West, moda land's economy can then be collapsed.

UN is full of useless countries like Ghana; friendship with which offer little rewards beyond vindication.

Sudan and Iran can survive Western onslaught because they have oil. Sri Lanka will have to bow to the West, sooner or later.

Post #16
1 reply
Eelam Gov InExile replied to Sacktheish's post13 hours ago
I agree with you, Thileepan. Don't you think we need a compatable system among ourselves to get the full support of the west? To win the Western countries as our partners in future the political, diplomatical & economical systems of the west should be accepted. The socialist & communists countries will never support our cause in one way or another. Indian gov led by Congress party will never support us either. Now we heavily rely on the west. To win them we should follow their system and politically integrate with them. That's the very reason we need a democratic setup among the diaspora. If we don't do that, we will loose the West support too. Time is running out.

Post #17
1 reply
Sacktheish replied to Eelam's post13 hours ago
USA will definitely support 'Interim Self Governing Authority'. (They did but then LTTE had problems.) UK and France will support it because USA will tell them to. That is 3 out 5 permanent security council members. The other two is Russia and China. If USA supports it, then other countries will support it because USA is their superior.

I am telling you this because, LTTE have done this and was appreciated. Why try out a new one when we clearly know this will work.

We don't need India. USA now hates Sri Lanka because they are not listening to them.

We have British Tamil Forum, Canadian Tamil Congress and so on.

Post #18
Sacktheish wrote13 hours ago
Interim Self Governing Authority will have:

* An ISGA will established for the eight districts in the and Northern and Eastern provinces until a final negotiated settlement is reached and implemented.
* Initially the members of the ISGA will be appointed by the parties to this agreement with the LTTE appointing an absolute majority, but
* Democratic elections will be held if no final negotiated settlement is reached and implemented within five years.
* The ISGA shall have plenary power for the governance of the north-east including powers in relation to resettlement, rehabilitation, reconstruction, development, raising revenue including imposition of taxes, revenue, levies and duties, law and order, and over land.
* The GOSL agrees that any and all of its expenditures in or for the north-east shall be subject to the control of the ISGA.
* The ISGA shall have powers to borrow internally and externally, provide guarantees and indemnities, receive aid directly, and engage in or regulate internal and external trade.
* The ISGA shall have direction and control over any and all administrative structures and personnel in the north-east.
* The ISGA shall have the power to alienate and determine the appropriate use of all land in the north-east that is not privately owned.
* Land occupied by the armed forces of the GOSL must be immediately vacated and restored to the possession of the previous owners. The GOSL must also compensate the owners for the past dispossession of their land.
* The ISGA shall be responsible for the resettlement and rehabilitation of displaced civilians and refugees in such lands.
* The ISGA shall have control over the marine and offshore resources of the adjacent seas and the power to regulate access thereto.
* The ISGA will have control over the natural resources in the north-east region. The GOSL shall ensure that all monies due under existing agreements are paid to the ISGA.
* All future agreements concerning matters under the jurisdiction of the ISGA shall be made with the ISGA.

Post #19
You replied to Sacktheish's post13 hours ago
BTF, CTG are doing excellent job. But what the west are looking for is a democratic setup which is acceptable for them. It's only the foolishness & arrogant of Rajapakse bros is turning the west against Sri Lanka. Say If Ranil/UNP comes back to power, west will change the stance. We must keep that in mind. The words west want to hear is democracy, multi-party system, pluralism, transparent & so on. I can understand these can not be done in Eelam when we are undertaking an armed struggle. But I strongly believe we can do that in diaspora to satisfy the western countries. As long as our core principles aint changed, we aint loosing anything.

Post #20
1 reply
Sacktheish S wrote13 hours ago
Mahinda will win the next election because Sinhalese are dumb and they think that LTTE are over. That is a good thing in way because, He ain't going to change and the west knows that.

Post #21
Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post12 hours ago
Yes! Mahinda will win coz Sinhala are dumb or wateva. but Tamil parties including TNA will lick his feet for power coz they are so scared or dumbest or wateva. Within current Sri Lankan constitution even Ranil can't do anything. West won't buy our case if we don't listen to them either. Ofcoz West is sympathetic to our cause. But to make the west to listen to us & act infavour of us, we should have something in common or similar structure. Every body has their own interest. West is bit reluctant they fear that our ideology might have similarity with communism/one party system. That's what Sinahala are telling the west for years in closed doors. We need to change their mind on this. We can assure them by forming an elected gov-in-exile that we are not communist/against their interests.

Post #22
1 reply
Sacktheish wrote12 hours ago
USA might help cos we can offer Trinco harbour to them, also because the plans China for the Trinco harbour will fail. Then UK and France will follow.

Post #23
Sacktheish Sachein Thileepan (London) wrote12 hours ago
I made this proposal and I backed out but now I decided that Government In Exile might be a good idea. We NEED an armed force though.

Like Tamil YouthParliament said, we need to show that we are not communist party but instead democratic.

Armed force has to be something like Tamil Eelam National Army and NOT LTTE. Or we will just make it even worse. We have to make it like we are not interested in LTTE. You may not agree with me for not supporting LTTE in this case. But I am related to Col Thileepan...Will that make it better...

We need more ideas for this proposal.


Post #24
Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post12 hours ago
It's all sound well & good. To negotiate with USA, we need a structure which could be recognised by the US. Don't you think so? Do you really think US would negotiate with BTF, CTG or any other single party which does not have a political mandate from the people? Come on, mate. We can be more wise than that.

Post #25
1 reply
Sacktheish wrote12 hours ago
I didn't say USA will negotiate with BTF or CTG did I? I said they can discuss in their respective parliament. The comment I made above was for Government In Exile.

Post #26
1 reply
Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post11 hours ago
no u didn't. i was just sayin that for argument sake. ok! cool, mate. it'z good to see we have lotta like-minded people here. Actually Nathan Surya proposed this idea few years back. No one took notice of that. Anyhow i dont see that itz too late. we shouldn't leave this 4 another 30 years. Let us all work together.

Post #27
1 reply
Sacktheish replied to Tamil's post11 hours ago
lol, dude I was getting mad and hope you weren't as well. Anyway it is better to argue than do nothing. At least we know what we will be doing. And yes we can't leave this for another thirty years.

We need more ideas, also we need to keep this group kinda secret and do this in a short period of time.

Post #28
Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post11 hours ago
lol yeah! agreed. this group should go secret to avoid getting banned by racists.

Post #29
1 reply
Sackthe wrote11 hours ago
So basically as far as I know:

People who lived in the north or east (Basically Tamil Eelam) and now live in foreign countries are allowed to vote. This includes Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims. We have an advantage because 1 million Tamils live outside Sri Lanka.

The government is outside Sri Lanka...

**Questions** to be answered

-- Do we have parties or something?

--Do people vote for those parties/groups?
--Do they vote if they want Government-In-Exile or not?

--What powers will we have?

Post #30
Sackthe wrote11 hours ago

Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post11 hours ago
yeah! to proof that we are truly a democratic gov-in-exile, it should be inclusive of all the communities in Eelam. It should accomodate their political aspirations too. Parties should be allowed to form in accoradance with the constitution of the gov-in-exile. In the beginning other communties might not get involved. But we should get on with whoever accepts this concepts. As time goes & when we proof we are truly a democratic shadow gov-in-exile, others mite join in. When they do, we should welcome them with open arms.

Post #32
Sackthe replied to Tamil's post10 hours ago
we can send emails or something to mps. what do you think?

Post #33
1 reply
Tamil wrote10 hours ago
I agree with the Government in exile proposal. However, what I feel we need more includes many things.
Firstly, the main view, which is partially correct, is that only the diaspora wants a Tamil Eelam. The ground reality is that an average Vanni civillian hasn't seen a 1000 rupee note. The perspective is that they would live as slaves in Srilanka as part of a "democratic society". I know this is enraging, but there's much fact in it. What I feel is most necessary immediately is the resettlement of all or most of the IDPs to their original villages, the media, NGOs and other aid agencies being given free access to the camps and the places where Tamils are resettled. A replication of the East should be prevented by preventing muslim and sinhalese colonization. A monitoring mission with sufficient self defence should be sent before we take the next step. The first task is accomplishing this. I do not care how this is done- it can be Government is exile or by pressurizing through diplomatic offensives, but a Governemnt in Exile gives a more intense feeling of statehood and better co operation.
Tamil Win

Post #34
Sackthe replied to Tamil's post10 hours ago
china is like sri lanka. china has tibet government under their control. government.

we should concentrate on these:

1. UN should take responsibility to internment camps; thereby, converting them to genuine IDP camps.

2. All areas, including so called 'high security zone', must be demilitarized, allowing unhindered access for people to their privately owned land and properties.

3. Power devolution that allows people to decide how and by whom they want to be governed.

Post #35
Sackthe wrote10 hours ago
We need something like NATO to get sla out of our homeland

Post #36
Sacktheish wrote9 hours ago
Example, get info to help:

Tibet Websites:

Post #37
1 reply
Daniel P wrote7 hours ago
I once heard it said that government officials were having trouble engaging with the Tamil protesters as they seemed to have no spokesperson. Personally, I feel that a gov-in-exile not only provides the eelam tamil people with a voice but also gives very good opportunities for people to get involved with our struggle. I agree with the previous comments that this group needs to remain secret to prevent it being compromised but we will need to ensure that the tamil diaspora knows about the gov-in-exile and that they can feel that it represents them. In the same vein I would like to also mention previous comments on not aligning ourselves with the LTTE. I also agree that being seen as an LTTE front group would be disastrous, but we need to be careful as to how we present ourselves to the diaspora in this regard. And of course, as i believe we have generally established, our leader is alive and we should bear that in mind. If our people continue to suffer the LTTE will rise again, more powerful than ever, and we must consider that. Just one final point, during the CFA we built an impressive civil administration, with a bank, courts, police force, NTT and many other services I'm sure you don't need reminding of. But it was Rajapakse who attacked us. I, personally, believe that an independent TamilEelam should be our ultimate goal. Of course, I am not Tamil and far be it from me to dictate the wills of your people. Should you accept a federal solution then I will support you all the way, and I genuinely want to be of some help in securing a satisfactory resolution and re-building afterwards. But, from what I have seen, I do think we should be careful not to lose sight of this goal. In my eyes, the Sinahla people and their gov. have repeatedly demonstrated that Tamils cannot live in safety, security, dignity and freedom within a united Sri Lanka.

Thank you.

Post #38
You replied to Daniel's post4 minutes ago
Daniel! Thank you so much for your excellent perspective. I agree that armed struggle & political struggle shouldn't be mixed and shouldn't go against each other either. They should lead in parallel to each other. one thing I'm sure that this formation of gov-in-exile and youth parliament will be a platform to identify the people & youngsters who are truly talented. It will help them politically integrate with the society they are living in. This will make our lobbying more effective. IC which wants to see a democratic tradition will accept us as legitimate voice of our people. We can put forward the people’s mandate to the individual countries, IC & the UN. When we have a democratically elected body, it surely clears lot of hurdles which we are facing now. I don't think that we need explanation on that. West is sympathetic towards us. But if don't have a system they can have dialogue with, it will be hard for them to help us in any way/form. We need a compatible system to the west. Russia, China, even Cuba are voicing against us and helping Sinhala. It is clear that old communist block does not like our freedom. It’s no point we talk abt socialism. We should keep them out. Indian Gov lead by Congress party won't give a damn about even the plight of our people. But the West is at least sympathetic to our cause. We can't blame them for their inaction. West has lotta bad experience helping one party administration in the past. So we need to proof them that we respect their values & interests in order to transform their sympathy into supporting us.

Post #39
Sacktheish replied to Nathan's post23 hours ago

[ I agree that armed struggle & political struggle shouldn't be mixed and shouldn't go against each other either.]

If international countries don't recognise Tamil Eelam that's when we have to have a backup army so that we can liberate it. Reply to Sacktheish

Post #40Tamil replied to Sacktheish's post21 hours ago

Post #41Nerujan wrote20 hours ago
wth i dont know what government in exile stands for but i do agree with tamil win! they should be taken back to ther home town.

Post #42Daniel wrote19 hours ago
Yes, Tamil Win is absolutely right and that, I feel, sums up what I think the gov-in-exile should be for. I think it should be "pro-active" in organising and executing demonstrations, meetings, workshops, events, etc. for purposes such as the resettlement of the Vanni IDPs. Let's face it, Rajapakse will take as long as he can get away with, and the international community, from what I've seen, is not applying nearly enough pressure. So it's down to us, really, isn't it? This won't be the sole role of course, but that's one of our main purposes: ensuring the welfare of our people through political means such as those outlined above. Whilst we have probably "missed the boat" on the UN Human Rights Council meeting, important events such as the IMF loan are still very much ongoing and we need to ensure that the right results are achieved. Finally, hopefully we can remove the need for our long-suffering, hard-working friends who have to continue messaging us to remind us that the protests ARE ongoing. Hopefully we can provide a definitive voice and remove confusion such as this.

Post #43Visakan wrote12 hours ago
I think its a good idea, but not anything less than how a real govt would be. So you would have to have say at least 500 000 Tamils voting in about at least 5 different countries. Thats not that hard. Plus you need a vareity of ages so some illiterate SL high commisioner cannot say it is a youth or terrorist activity.Reply to Visakan

Post #44Brintha wrote7 hours ago
This is an interesting idea, and it sounds more likely to work for us (at the moment) than pressurising the UN and IC for a separate state. My only worry is that it will not ease the suffering of our people back home. Because essentially, what we would call Eelam, would still only be recognised as a part of Sri Lanka. My main concern is the people there, and I do not see them directly benefiting from this.

However, if we do manage to establish a gov-in-exile, it will definitely raise the morale of the already powerful Tamil Diaspora, all around the world. As long as we dont let it cause friction between us, there is no harm in it. Though, in my humble opinion, we should aim for this to be a temporary solution for us. If we do decide to proceed with this, we should not let ourselves get too comfortable with being a government (with no power!) on the outside. We certainly should not stop fighting to get our own separate state.

Overall, I reckon going through with this could either make us or break us. It will either split us or unify us. This definitely needs a lot of thinking through.

I would like to see more people's opinions on this.

Post #45Nathan relied to Brintha's post34 minutes ago
I agree with you, Brintha. It wouldn't help the suffering people directly & immediately. We have to continue lobbying and protesting to highlight the immediate concerns of our people. In the meantime, we should also think about a long term action plan to free our land & people through the acceptable means of the world. Otherwise we will be standing alone against the whole world without any friends among IC like we do now. Of course we have countries sympathetic to us. To transform these sympathetic countries into our friends, we should politically, diplomatically & economically integrate with them. To do that, we need a similar & compatible shadow system among ourselves. That’s why i believe this gov-in-exile would be a great platform. It will also help us spot the talented people. Youth parliament (YP) within the shadow gov-in-exile would be there to help us identify talented youths and future leaders. Do not confuse that youth parliament will be a separate body from gov-in-exile. YP will be only there to identify the talented leaders and to promote democratic culture among youths so that it makes easier for the youths to prepare themselves to become leaders of tomorrow and will also help them to politically integrate with the society they are living in.

Don't you think it will empower us when we follow the international norms & practices? I believe our lobbying will be much more effective than now. If we are to defeat Sinhala propaganda and the diplomatic & political offensives against Tamilnation, we should have a democratic & united wing which is recognised by IC as the voice of the people to counter Sinhala offensives. Yes! There will be frictions or rather different of opinions will be there. That will be part & parcels of the democratic culture. But the core principles such as self-determination, nationhood, homeland etc will be drafted in the constitution so that no party can go against it. End of the day people are going to vote for the party which is more suitable to govern us & that government will have legitimacy as the voice of the Tamil diaspora.

Why it should be formed among diaspora? Not among the people in Eelam? Sinhala gonna pick up people like 'Karuna' among the IDPs to stand for elections which won't be a free & fair one. They have already planned to divide the people in Eelam and rule. It's gonna be like what happened to the East. We all know very well what is happening in the East. The good old tactic divide & rule. The same thing is going to happen all over Eelam. If anyone in Eelam voice against it, they will be made 'silent'. So it's diaspora's duty to form an elected body which would voice in the international arena about the plight & the injustices against our people back home. What IC, namely the West, want to see is that an elected body which follows democratic traditions of the West. Otherwise they wiil only be sympathetic our cause, they will be reluctant to get involved if we do NOT follow their system & serve their interest a bit. After all every nations will be expecting something in return. We should have this in mind and win over some friends among international community. Most certainly diaspora won't do anything to harm the political aspirations of people in Eelam. would we? we will be the guiding force at time of need. If we don't do it now, in my opinion we will be crying the same in next 30 yrs or even 300 yrs.

Post #46 *****



Post #47Rajeev wrote at 1:20pm on May 26th, 2009
All we need to do is watch out for our people...What we must realize is LTTE is not dead...and they will represent us...and for us to make their efforts worth all those lives...we must give our voice and explain the urgent need for the people...Save the people and our SAVIOUR will take care of the rest...HE is there don't worry but him...worry bout the people

Post #48 Daniel wrote at 6:56pm yesterday
"Participants should avoid carrying Tiger flags (even though they call it Tamil national flags) as the international media will portray any rallies with the tiger flags as Pro LTTE rally and in that process we are losing the plot in getting the message across to the wider community."

This is, I think, a very sensible suggestion. I have the TamilEelam National flag as my display pic and i am very proud to have it there. It is our national flag and we have no other. The purpose of a national flag is to provide a symbol for people to rally under and demonstrate their support for a nation. It seems inevitable, however, that we will have to refrain from flying the national flag, in which case, I think we surely need something to take its place. Some form of logo. Now, I am not artistic, but I thought that perhaps anybody who is might like to take some time to design such a logo. Whilst we may have to leave the tiger out, I personally think that red and yellow should feature. Thank you.

Post #49 Tamil wrote at 7:36pm yesterday
I go with daniel's proposal about the national flag. We should NOT let the Sinhala win the propaganda & diplomatic war. If we are to unite the Tamiils & make friends among IC, we should leave the flags which might be used to demonise us as one or the other. Tiger flag will remain as our national army flag. But the national flag should reflect something more peaceful & acceptable for all.

Post #50 Eelam wrote at 7:07am today

Today we are witnessing that West is doing everything possible to bring Mahitler Rajapakse & his Gov to books. All the corrupted Govs around the world are uniting and supporting the Sinhala terror gov. I agree that we should make the sympathy of the West into partnership in future. In order to do that we must follow the code of conduct, the norms & practices of the West. While we are voicing the concerns of the IDPs in Vanni, we should also focus on making friends around the World. If we can bring the West/NATO countries to work in partnership with us, our goals will be made easy. It has to be through democratic means. We should start the email/FB/other medium campaigns to create awareness & educate the people about the benefits of a democratic system among the Diaspora.



Post #51Daniel wrote32 minutes ago
Having seen the, frankly disgraceful, UN Human Rights Council's adoption of a resolution even Human Rights Watch has declared as flawed, I am even more convinced of the need for a gov-in-exile. The council debated two resolutions, neither of which were made in consultation with Tamils. A strong, meaningful gov-in-exile would be in a position to propose resolutions such as this, and lobby governments over their own resolutions. It would be capable of engaging in constructive diplomatic discussions over issues such as this. Personally, I would like to point out that we do need to be extremely careful, as has been said, tis could make or break us. However we do need quick and decisive action and I feel that the time to begin drafting a constitution, discussing modalities, means of operation, roles and responsibilities, etc. is very fast approaching, if it is not already upon us.

Thank you.

Post #52Sacktheish wrote at 11:09am
Scotland Yard Anti terriosm unit (SO15) has confirmed that the Tamil Eelam flag its not that of LTTE (prescriped organisation in UK). This is more than enough proof for tamil people to start hoisting our National Flag of Eelam...

Post #53Daniel wrote at 12:56pm
With regards to the post of Mr. Sacktheish, I think that this is a wonderful development. I love our national flag, have engaged in numerous arguments over its use and read angrily as it was portrayed negatively in the media. It is a very beautiful flag which inspires deep pride in me and I do not want to lose it. However, I brought up the idea of an alternative logo because I agreed with the point that it is portrayed negatively in the media. The fact of the matter is the Sri Lankan Army was armed to the teeth because of their diplomacy, their lies, their propaganda and their willingness to sell out most of their assets. Hambantota port being a prime example. Obviously, we must endeavor not to sellout our sovereignty before we've even achieved it, this is not the way to go. However, we do have to play the geopolitical game, even if we only have a few turns, before we get fed up with the cheaters and go and play the metaphorical PlayStation.

To conclude I think that the national flag is a small loss compared to the 70,000 - 100,000 lives and the freedom, property, safety and dignity of at least 325,000 Vanni IDPs. Hence, it is with regret, that I maintain that an alternative symbol is needed. Thank you.

Post #54Surya at 3:26pm May 28
We can not just blame others; blame lies with us too. The West is at least sympathetic to us. To transform the sympathy into actions, we do not have a system which is acceptable to the West. The buzz words they wanna hear r like democracy, pluralism, transparency and so on. We could have established that among the Diaspora. It aint too late; we ... Read Moregotta seriously sit down & think about an elected gov-in-exile among diaspora.

We need to win friends over the international community. Without the support of IC we will go nowhere. Democratic body among diaspora which is acceptable by IC would strengthen our struggle. In last 60 years, first 30years we tried political and non-violence way it didn't work... next 30yrs armed struggle achieved a little but v r still struggling. So from the experience we need to take both form of struggles in parallel. We shouldn't mix both and shouldn't let go one against other too.

Post #55Sambasivam at 4:45pm May 28
I agree with Surya...we do need to have a democratic body among Tamil Diaspora... I understand your frustration Gowry...lets look at the countries that backed SL...China, Russia, India, Cuba... great countries with Human rights records...right now, more than anything, our focus should be on getting unrestricted access to those in camps...every minute there is hell for them...

Post #56Vinayagamoorthy at 7:14pm May 28
I am confused... what is the objective of a govt. in exile?

Post #57Eelam at 8:25pm May 28
gov-in-exile aint a new concept. Many other nations & communities had it in the past; some still does. Core objective of gov-in-exile/Congress is to have an elected body by the Diaspora which would be acceptable to the IC(namely the West) as a democratic body instead of having so many organisations which don't have the democratic mandate of the people. It's not a real gov but a shadow one but it will follow all the democratic traditions, values, norms & practices as of the real one. We should also have youth parliament(shadow) within gov-in-exile to identify & encourage talented youths & to create future leaders. But the elected gov-in-exile will be the voice of people which will be inclusive of all communities & age group.

to read more abt gov-in-exile@
Government-in-exile an FB group


Post #58Nathanwrote7 hours ago
Post 9/11 the West has been hostile towards us, the Tamils, & vice versa. They banned all the organisations who undertook an armed struggle and other organisations which are related to that organisations / group / community. Sinhala gov did use this scenario to max 2 crush our national armed struggle for freedom. Now, post Eelam war IV, environment in the international arena is fast changing b’coz of Sinhala arrogant & human rights violations. It's the best time to make the West / NATO as our allies and vice versa. What should we do to convince the West?

Post #59Daniel wrote6 hours ago
Personally, I have a lot of faith in our struggle. The Tamil people are brilliant and this is possible. We have a number of options, all of which warrant consideration in my view. Firstly, we have the moral-high ground undoubtedly. The events of the recent months speak for themselves. So the first thing we need to do is get the general population on our side. Increase general support. I'm not Tamil so lots of people, ask, why do you wish to be involved with the TamilEelam liberation struggle? This infuriates me, they would never ask why Africa, nor why Tibet, we need to show everybody why we are involved. This can be done through large-scale events, such as workshops, public displays and getting the media on our side. It can also be done or a much smaller basis, such as the traditional leaflets through the door, etc.

Continuing on that theme, we need to engage with governments. The IC has been tragically silent regarding us, but if we can show them the true face of the lion, this could change. We need to engage constructively with governments and, as has been mentioned, go through the hoops of democracy and prove that we represent the Tamil people and are not against Western interests. Bringing charges against the Sri Lankan government could also help here. However, I maintain that the need of the hour will always be the civilians. If we get rid of Fonskea, they will replace him. If we get rid of Rajapakse, they will replace him. However, this would help to prove to the West, just how bad the Sri Lankan government is.

Finally, we do have bargaining tools such as the Trincomalee Hrbour which has been mentioned before. However, I would just like to take this opportunity to stress extreme caution. I am not at all opposed to using these bargaining tools, nor to demonstrating that our ideology is not against the West. However, we must not give way to colonialism. We must not sell-out our sovereignty, nor our principles, otherwise we will ultimately achieve very little.

Thank you.

Post #60Theepan Vela wrote at 9:22pm
Tamil Eelam > the 13 Amendment > Interim Self-Governing Authority > Gov-In-Exile > DREAM

Post #61Jananayagath Thamilan wrote at 9:45pm
Tamil Eelam > the 13 Amendment > Interim Self-Governing Authority > are indeed a dream that can not be realised coz SL constitution & vast majority of Sinhala won't allow it to happen.

Gov-In-Exile > is a dream too but that can be realised if the Tamil Diaspora unite & act. We don't need GoSL / any other's permission to form it.

Are we gonna stick to the methods which have been nothing but absolute failures, loss of lives & destructions and of course a dream for last 60yrs. Are we gonna have this same day-dream for another 30 yrs / even 300 yrs OR act on a dream that can be realised which is to form an elected gov-in-exile/Congress?!

Post #62Sacktheish wrote at 11:37pm
Dream is a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep. Get it through your thick head. I don't care it is a figure of speech. People are pissing me off. When we lost Kilinochchi that's when we started protesting. wft. We should of done this before.

Anything is possible in this world. Its about how you do it.

LTTE was considered a dream. Everyone thought it wouldn't even exist for more than five years. LTTE became the strongest forces in the world.

See this is the difference between me, Pirabaharan, ltte members, real supporters and you.

Post #63Eelam wrote at 12:08am
We all have the same dream which is to free our land & people. There can be no doubt. But our methods & ways may differ. But the problem with us is that we never seem to respect other's point of view. Today Tamils are divided into far more groups /parties /para-militaries than ever before in Eelam, Tamilnadu and among Diaspora. It's nothing wrong to have no. of parties & differences of opinion but we've gotta agree on our core principles(self-determination, nationhood & nationality etc). I believe majority fo us do agree on core principles. That's why we proposed this gov-in-exile which will have an elected leadership. Under that leadership people of different opinions can work together. Instead of slagging off each other, we should create a platform where we can feel comfortable & work together. THANKS.

from 29/05/09......

Post #64Brintha wrote3 hours ago
My initial few doubts seem to have been cleared in the light of the UN Human Rights Council's decision. This disgusting news has made me even more determined that we should do something to empower us, and help us fight for our people and our cause. And if the only immediate way is through forming a gov-in-exile, then so be it. I, too, do not want the future generations blaming us for sitting back and not doing anything.

So where do we go from here? How do we spread the word? Forgive me if I'm jumping the gun, but the reality of this has just hit me. We need funding in order for us to create awareness. Obviously, if things happen in our favour at the upcoming European Elections, I'm sure Jan will support this. But we need enough people to agree with it. We need a spokesperson. A national flag. Any ideas people?

Post #65Daniel wrote at 12:36pm
It has been clearly established that the need of the hour is to raise awareness amongst the diaspora. I am pleased to note that action has already been undertaken in this regard with the collection of e-mail addresses. However, I think that we need to decide how we are going to present ourselves to the diaspora. Will we already have a constitution, with our rights, roles and responsibilities outlined? Will we present a number of different draft constitutions for them to vote on? Will we ask for the diaspora community to design their own? Will we draft the constitution first and then begin forming political parties, or will we form parties, each presenting their own constitution? Will we, even, adopt the Vaddukkoaddai Resolution? There are many options open to us, but our people are suffering now. We must ensure that whatever we choose is wise and effective and must not compromise this. However, swift and decisive action is also required.

Post #66Nathan wrote at 9:23am
|| An Appeal to the Thamil diaspora - Fr. Jegath Gaspar Raj||
"The enlightened ones among the expatriate community should come together with a tremendous sense of responsibility first to ensure that the organization does not unravel due to internal divisions."

read full appeal @

Post #67Eelam wrote at 2:38pm
Thanks to those who have posted the email adds. First wave of email campaign is kicked off. When you forward the emails, please do copy & paste so that it will look clean. If you have any ideas, do send that to us @ Thanks.

Post #68 Eelam wrote at 4:52pm
All you said are indeed true. But we’ve gotta learn from the history & move forward our struggle to free our land & people. Sinhala used post 9/11 scenario to the max to defeat/weaken our armed struggle. Eelam War 4 human rights violations and arrogant behaviour of GoSL has made the IC to see the real face of Sinhala. Thanks to Sinhala arrogant & stupidity. The West is at least sympathetic to us now. To transform this sympathy into work in partnership us, we need to act wisely and have a system compatible to theirs. The buzz words(democracy, pluralism & war on terror) which is seen as ‘heavenly mandra’ was used by Sinhala state to hoodwink the international community(IC). The IC, namely the West, has just waking up from their deep sleep.

To win friends over IC, we need to have a system which is acceptable to IC among the Diaspora. Sinhala has planned to hold elections as soon as possible & gonna make ‘Karuna’(sadly there r many in our society) like leaders all over Eelam and use them to divide us and rule. These traitors win by rigging the votes and these idiots gonna be the representatives of our powerless/voiceless people. We know what happened in the East, same will happen in the North too. If any one stand against them, will be made ‘silent’. We should defy Sinhala rule by forming so called ‘elected democratic body’ among the Diaspora to get legitimate recognition. BTF(UK), CTG(Canada), PEARL(USA) and other organisations are doing great work. There is no doubt about that. But what the IC, namely the West, is looking for is an elected body to represent our people who will have the mandate of the people. We can’t do that in Eelam now; but we can form that among Diaspora. I believe it will empower us diplomatically & politically. No one will be able to demonise us as one or the other by using all those buzz words I mentioned above. That’s why we propose an Eelam gov-in-exile/Congress to defeat Sinhala propaganda and their diplomatic & political offensives against us.
The armed struggle & political struggle shouldn't be mixed and shouldn't go against each other either. They should lead in parallel to each other. One thing I'm sure that this formation of gov-in-exile and youth parliament along with it will also be a platform to identify the people & youngsters who are truly talented. It will help them politically integrate with the society they are living in. This will make our lobbying more effective. IC which wants to see a democratic tradition will accept us as legitimate voice of our people. We can put forward the people’s mandate to the individual countries, IC & the UN. When we have a democratically elected body, it surely clears lot of hurdles which we are facing now. I don't think that we need explanation on that. West is sympathetic towards us. But if don't have a system they can have dialogue with, it will be hard for them to help us in any way/form. We need a compatible system to the west. Russia, China, even Cuba are voicing against us and helping Sinhala. It is clear that old communist block does not like our freedom. It’s no point we talk abt socialism. We should keep them out. Indian Gov lead by Congress party won't give a damn even about the plight of our people. But the West is at least sympathetic to our cause. We can't blame them for their inaction. West has lotta bad experience helping one party administration in the past. So we need to proof them that we respect their values & interests in order to transform their sympathy into supporting us.

Post #69Eelam wrote6 hours ago


We have to be mindful that there will be lot of hurdles. It will take sometime for people accept & work on this new concept. I think that it might take up to 18 months or more for the gov-in-exile to become a reality.

We need to set clear agendas and time frame to work on.

Following is mine. Forward yours too. Let's finalise the one which could be realistically met.


1. AWARENESS CAMPAIGN( June - Nov 2009)

2. MEETINGS & CONFERENCES (Sept 2009 - Feb 2010)


4. FORMING PARTIES(March 2010 - June 2010)





Post #70Sacktheish wrote5 hours ago
Now we are talking business...

Thanks 'Eelam'

Post #71 Kutty wrote10 hours ago
yehh,, gud oneee,, we hav to do thissss!!!
i'lll do all icannnn for thisss,,,
giv me shout i'm beside tamilsss to help..

thamilarin thaagam tamil Eelam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we TAMILS love TAMIL EELAM !!!

Post #72Eelam wrote7 hours ago
All you said are indeed true. But we’ve gotta learn from the history & move forward our struggle to free our land & people. Sinhala used post 9/11 scenario to the max to defeat/weaken our armed struggle. Eelam War 4 human rights violations and arrogant behaviour of GoSL has made the IC to see the real face of Sinhala. Thanks to Sinhala arrogant & stupidity. The West is at least sympathetic to us now. To transform this sympathy into work in partnership us, we need to act wisely and have a system compatible to theirs. The buzz words(democracy, pluralism & war on terror) which is seen as ‘heavenly mandra’ was used by Sinhala state to hoodwink the international community(IC). The IC, namely the West, has just waking up from their deep sleep.

To win friends over IC, we need to have a system which is acceptable to IC among the Diaspora. Sinhala has planned to hold elections as soon as possible & gonna make ‘Karuna’(sadly there r many in our society) like leaders all over Eelam and use them to divide us and rule. These traitors win by rigging the votes and these idiots gonna be the representatives of our powerless/voiceless people. We know what happened in the East, same will happen in the North too. If any one stand against them, will be made ‘silent’. We should defy Sinhala rule by forming so called ‘elected democratic body’ among the Diaspora to get legitimate recognition. BTF(UK), CTG(Canada), PEARL(USA) and other organisations are doing great work. There is no doubt about that. But what the IC, namely the West, is looking for is an elected body to represent our people who will have the mandate of the people. We can’t do that in Eelam now; but we can form that among Diaspora. I believe it will empower us diplomatically & politically. No one will be able to demonise us as one or the other by using all those buzz words I mentioned above. That’s why we propose an Eelam gov-in-exile/Congress to defeat Sinhala propaganda and their diplomatic & political offensives against us.
The armed struggle & political struggle shouldn't be mixed and shouldn't go against each other either. They should lead in parallel to each other. One thing I'm sure that this formation of gov-in-exile and youth parliament along with it will also be a platform to identify the people & youngsters who are truly talented. It will help them politically integrate with the society they are living in. This will make our lobbying more effective. IC which wants to see a democratic tradition will accept us as legitimate voice of our people. We can put forward the people’s mandate to the individual countries, IC & the UN. When we have a democratically elected body, it surely clears lot of hurdles which we are facing now. I don't think that we need explanation on that. West is sympathetic towards us. But if don't have a system they can have dialogue with, it will be hard for them to help us in any way/form. We need a compatible system to the west. Russia, China, even Cuba are voicing against us and helping Sinhala. It is clear that old communist block does not like our freedom. It’s no point we talk abt socialism. We should keep them out. Indian Gov lead by Congress party won't give a damn even about the plight of our people. But the West is at least sympathetic to our cause. We can't blame them for their inaction. West has lotta bad experience helping one party administration in the past. So we need to proof them that we respect their values & interests in order to transform their sympathy into supporting us.

Post #73Poulson wrote6 hours ago
Exactly! Many of you may have seen reports such as this one:

But for those who haven't, to summarise, the Sri Lankan Army, despite its "defeat" of the LTTE, is looking to expand its forces to 300,000, possibly more. That's just the conventional army, let alone the paramilitaries that will undoubtedly be employed all-over the North. Eelam Gov InExile is exactly right. Whilst I do not believe that the LTTE are defeated, nor do I believe that our people will allow the Sri Lankan Army to stay in TamilEelam indefinitely, I think it's clear that the responsibility now falls on us.

I'm not an expert in military strategy, far from it, but everyone knows that the Tigers could never win the war by fighting a defensive battle. Everyone knows the Tigers withdrew from the East before they lost too many cadres. Kilinochchi was deserted by the time the army occupied it. Vadamaraadchi East had been impenetrable and suddenly the Army reached Elephant Pass in no time at all. The Tigers chose to defend their people, to fight to the bitter end for the sake of the civilians. This time it will be different. I personally think the majority of attacks will be sporadic, black tiger attacks, targeting large-scale objectives. After all, MBRLs, MiGs and advanced radars are no good against five Tigers with claymores and AKs. I could be proved wrong, but one thing is certain, I think. TamilEelam will be militarised and the population completely suppressed. Rebellion is inevitable, however, the formation of a conventional army and a return to the height of the LTTE on the ground, sadly, almost impossible.

I am more optimistic than many people I talk to and am firm in the belief that TamilEelam will be free. Our people will never accept subjugation and the West is beginning to see the true face of the lion. However, I also believe that we have the best opportunities to do something and hence, the biggest responsibility. In that vein, should any of you feel like TamilEelam is a lost cause. If any of you feel that we're getting nowhere, that it is just a dream then my response is that we need to do more. We cannot give up. We will not give up.

TamilEelam will be free - தமிழரின் தாகம் தமிழீழத் தாயகம்!

Thank you.

Post #74Daniel wrote4 hours ago
I would also like to take the opportunity to refer to a brilliant link posted, by Mr.Sacktheish Sachein Thileepan, which I think is well worth noting:

As I have said, we do have a considerable responsibility. But if we live up to it, we can make huge gains in international diplomacy. The LTTE will continue to act as a guerilla organisation. However, if we play our part they can re-build. The LTTE is not defeated and neither are we.

Although, I must point out that as has been mentioned many times it would be disastrous for us to be seen as an LTTE-front group. We must be careful in how we present ourselves to the International Community and avoid allowing the Sinhalese to win the propaganda war by labeling us as "terrorists." We must be cautious. I, as I'm sure are most of you, am a firm LTTE-supporter. However, our diplomatic efforts should focus on living up to Western ideals. As has been established many times, the armed struggle and the political struggle both have a vital role to play, but we must be careful not to mix them.

Thank you.

Post #75Tamil Youth wrote at 1:21am

true said. we gotta concentrate on our military, diplomatic & political offensives against Sinhala state. New thinking should emerge. We gotta come up with new formula for success. YES! WE CAN. We should defy Sinhala rule. God bless my people & Eelam.



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